Import a Word List into Your eJOY Wordbooks


With eJOY eXtension and eJOY Go site, you can quickly create new word list based on existing notes or documents by importing them right into eJOY eXtension.

Here’s how to import your word list

Prepare your document

1. Open or create a word or spreadsheet document
2. Separate terms and definitions with a comma, tab, or dash.
3. Separate rows with a semicolon or a new line. Each row of your document will become a distinct card.

Create a word list

1. Go to eJOY eXtension and log in to your account.
2. Open Game Center, click “Dashboard”
3. Choose a word book that you want to import your list to
4. Select “Import words”

Select "Import words"

5. Set separating between term & definition and between cards. It’ll depend on how you set in your document to separate it.

6. Open your document on your computer, and copy the text.

7. Paste your data in highlight cell below

Save and publish your word list

1. Select “Check” to upload your terms and definitions.

Select "Check" to upload your terms and definitions

2. Select “Import” to save and publish your set

Select "Import" to save and publish your set