Why Doesn’t Your Word Fluency Point Increase Despite My Regular Practice?


Your word fluency point is calculated when you practice words on Daily Challenge on eJOY App or eJOY eXtension. 

Daily Challenge Game on eJOY eXtension

Daily Challenge Game on eJOY eXtension Daily Challenge Game on eJOY eXtension

Daily Challenge Game on eJOY App

Daily Challenge Game on eJOY App

Note: Other games like Pro Game, Training Game or Game in the video will help you consolidate these words without calculating word fluency points.

Pro Game, Training Game 

Pro Game, Training Game 

Training Game in Wordbook 

Training Game in Wordbook 

If you have reviewed words on Daily Challenge and did not see any changes in your words’ fluency, please take a screenshot of your reviewed words, drop a note and send it to us via email:  support@ejoy-english.com