Vocabulary Analysis on eJOY GO


Vocabulary Analysis is a feature on eJOY Go. It displays all vocabulary information right below each video on eJOY Go.

Select Video info section, then you’ll notice that all of the vocabulary appearing in the video are categorized by:

  • Frequency. Videos with too many uncommon or rare words are inappropriate choices because they are less likely to be used in real-life conversations.


  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR (CEFR), ranged from level A1 to C2. This will identify how easy it is for you to understand the subtitle, based on the level of vocabulary in the video. Remember, the more simple words used, the easier it is to understand.
  • Word Collection (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT). If you plan to take an international exam such as IELTS, videos with lots of words in the IELTS collection will be a good choice.

Word Collection

“Play” feature allows you to play a transcript that contains the words you selected, which helps to know how to use words in real contexts, remember words faster and practice shadowing with the transcript as well.

Read more at the article Learn English More Effectively with “Vocabulary Analysis”