How to Create an eJOY account


Create an eJOY account on mobile phone

  1. Download eJOY App on App Store or Google Play
  2. Open the App. Choose Get Started
  3. Follow the guideline on App to customize your English level, mother tongue, favorite topics, and daily goal. This helps eJOY recommend you the videos
  4. To create an account, enter your email and password. Note: The password needs at least 6 characters. You should not use easy-to-guess passwords such as 012345678 hay 0000000…
  5. You can create an account by using Google or Facebook account. Press the respective logos to sign in.

eJOY App

Create an eJOY account on Website

Please access one of 3 websites below to create an account:

1. eJOY Go

  • Access eJOY Go
  • Sign up by using your Facebook / Google account, or entering your email and password


  • Access eJOY EPIC
  • Sign up by using your Facebook/ Google account, or entering your email and password
  • Follow the guideline on App to customize your English level, mother tongue, favorite topics and daily goal. This helps eJOY recommend you the videos.

3. eJOY eXtension

  • Install eJOY eXtension on your Chrome
  • Choose Sign up, you will be directed to eJOY web to sign up. Now you can follow the same process with eJOY Go.


(1) When you create a new account, you SHOULD use your ACTIVE email. This helps you recover your password or reset your password when needed. If you use an inactive one, there is no way to reset your password. You then have to create another account.

(2) If you registered using Facebook, you SHOULD link your eJOY account to your active email as well. This helps you log into eJOY with your email when you don’t remember your Facebook password or you don’t want to log in via Facebook. Here is how to link:

  • Sign in to eJOY Go website
  • Navigate to the account tab
  • Click “Account settings”
  • Make sure it’s an actual email address and click “resend verification”.

eJOY GO website