Subtitle Editing on eJOY GO


What is Subtitle Editing?

Subtitle Editing is a feature that is available on eJOY GO. To access this feature, you go to eJOY GO, select a video with the subtitle that you want to edit, select Auto Transcript => select Edit sub.

How to use Subtitle Editing

  • If the video subtitles appear too late sometimes, or too early, you can delay or speed up the subtitles by selecting Forward or backward respectively. Select the dropdown box under Length to choose the time-shifting.

Subtitle Editing

  •  If the text is incorrect, you click on the incorrect part and edit it, then press Save

If the text is incorrect, you click on the incorrect part and edit it, then press Save

  • If you want a transcript appearing earlier or later, just drag it to the time you expect

If you want a transcript appearing earlier or later, just drag it to the time you expect

  • Don’t forget to click “Save” at the upper-right corner after finishing editing subtitles!

click “Save” at the upper-right corner after finishing editing subtitles

  • You can now practice listening – speaking – writing on eJOY Go with the video you’ve just edited sub by choosing “Your Transcript”

practice listening – speaking – writing on eJOY Go