Translate subtitles automatically with Quick Translation


eJOY extension helps you learn English effortlessly with videos and movies from YouTube, Netflix,, Coursera,…

Sometimes, a video you are watching does not have 2nd subtitles. This is where Quick Translation comes in hand.

You can use Quick Translation feature of eJOY to:

  • Quickly translate any word
  • Get a substitute 2nd subtitles when there’s no pre-made 2nd subtitles
  • Get the meaning of a word that isn’t explained well in the 2nd subtitles
  • Translate the whole subtitles without clicking

How to use Quick Translation

Step 1: Click eJOY icon (1) => Select Quick Translation (2) => Choose your prefered settings.

(3) Auto Translate: Always translate subtitles (the translation will be displayed as a 3rd subtitles and when you hover over a word in the main subtitles as well)

(4) Auto Pronunciation: Automatically pronounce any word in the main subtitles when you hover over

(5) Translate To: The language of the translation

(6) Font size: The font size of the translation that is displayed when you activate (3)

(7) Format: How the transation is displayed

Step 2: The translation that appears as you hover over a word in the main subtitles is activated as default. You can choose the translation language you want by changing your option at (5).

Step 3: If you need eJOY to translate the main subtitles automatically for you, choose (3).

Step 4: If you just need to translate a section of subtitles when needed, click the Quick Translation icon next to the subtitle part or use Alt + J to quickly translate.

The translation will be temporary and disappear when next subtitle sentence shows.